Monday, April 21, 2008

Boring stuff you have to implement: Configuration, part 2

A while ago I wrote a post where I proposed an easy way of specifying the configuration of an application. The idea is basically to define a configuration parameter by annotating a methods with information that describes the parameter. Of course, the value of the parameter is retrieved by calling the annotated method. My previous post contains an example.

To implement this easy-configuration-thingie I use dynamic proxies. If you haven't heard of dynamic proxies you have missed one of Javas powerful facilities for metaprogramming. Under the circumstances (e.g., static type-checking) I think it's pretty easy to use too.

The basic idea behind dynamic proxies is quite simple: let all calls to methods of an interface be delegated to another method. This method is called invoke and is declared in java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler.

As you may suspect, the invoke method receives the all arguements given to the method defined in the interface (i.e., the method that delegated to invoke). It also receives an arguments that describes which method that was called; this is an java.lang.reflect.Method object, which among other things, contains the method's annotations.

Back to the original topic: configuration. How can all this annotation stuff and proxy fluff be used to define and read configuration?

Well, as the example in my earlier post shows, the interface that defines the configuration is annotated with the name and the type of the configuration parameter. Since the method's annotations are available to the invoke method, invoke can use the parameter name to look up its value (in a hashmap, or similarly) and return it. It's as simple as that!

I've made a simple implementation of this availble here (follow the instructions on Google Code if you wish to check-out the entire Eclipse project).
Note that some more development is needed before this code is useful, since it does not
read any configuration from file (only default values can be read). 

In general, I tend to think that annotations simply are additional arguments to the annotated method (although a bit harder to use than ordinary arguments). This way of looking at annotations is even more suitable when used together with dynamic proxies, I think.

You probably already have thought of this, but there are several other ways of using annotations + dynamic proxies: I've used it to parse binary messages and command line arguments (before I know about JewelCLI), and I guess you can come up with several other examples...

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